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  • Writer's pictureShiarnice Taylor

The Righteous Way Counter Kulture

When I decided to live for Christ it was the hardest decision I ever had to make. At the time giving my life over to Christ seemed like it would be a walk in the park something that I could casually bring up in conversation and boasting about how I went through so much pain just to be able to get to the part where I can explain how God changed my life. Not only did I think it would be easy; but I thought that I would live in those blissful moments of just being in love with Christ. Enjoying my moments with him as I traveled, read the word, prayed and prayed quietly to him. Only to realize later that accepting Christ into my life was not only a plea for Salvation; but also a plea for persecution with no pardons from humanity except for God's free gift of Grace and Mercy.

So here's what actually happened when I accepted Salvation in Jesus Christ not only was I more on fire for Christ but the persecution from other people family and friends and in dating situations increased. The trials and tribulation came more frequently and even still today the closer I get to Christ and the higher level I go in spiritual maturity in reading the word and praying the more the enemy throws at me. What I am learning on this road of becoming the woman of God created me to me, becoming a wife, becoming a better disciple, becoming a leader in ministry and becoming a better person is that the closer you get to your purpose and identity in Jesus Christ the more people you will lose both family and friends. John 15:20 says Remember what I told you; a servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. This scripture speaks loudly and appropriately to the fundamental understanding that living a righteous life not being perfect because Jesus was the only one who was perfect. However living a life that closely resembles Christ life as much as possible is counter productive to this world and the Kulture we live in.

This Kulture says you almost 30 you and your fiance need to already be in the process of trying to have babies. Your kids will be too young and you will be too old to run after them.

However, God's word says that Sarah was barren until the age of 93 years old and cried in anguish for a child and even took it upon herself to seek to have her husband Abraham cheat on her with the maiden to have their child out of wedlock and how that child was cursed. However, God told Sarah and Abraham I will give you a son even in your olden days and you will have many years to raise and enjoy this son. Not only did Sarah conceive that child but Abraham became the father of many nations and they were able to raise and enjoy their children.

This Kulture says try before you buy meaning have sex with someone before you marry them so that you can determine whether or not the sex will be pleasurable before committing. However, God's word says to wait until marriage for the ultimate covenant to engage in sex for the purposes of pleasure, procreation, and protection against temptation. What is interesting is the very people who proclaim themselves to be "Christians" and saved find it hard to uphold God's standard and go against the very book that they say they fundamentally believe in.

People in dating relationships and engagements who have decided to live for Christ and who have strong convictions against sex outside of marriage, watching pornography, having children outside of wedlock and who actually have decided to live for Christ have been persecuted more by their own families and friends than celebrated. This is a huge discrepancy and my theory is determining the real from the fake in this so called "Kulture" reflections of actions of righteousness verses just a proclamation that one is "SAVED" or a "Christian". Everybody wants to say they love Christ until it is time to obey and sacrifice and truly be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2). But......the word of God informs us and foretells us that these things will happen we will experience persecution in our teachings, ministry, friendships even amongst family and that reality is difficult to accept when we love these people and they are the very people who claim that we should live in a "holy" way although their very advice is Counter Christ and ProKulture.

Here is what I know to be true on this journey of living for Christ that although Kulture doesn't celebrate Holiness God does. He sees us those of us who are out here trying (not perfect still sinful) live a better life and he rewards those who diligently seek him (Hebrews 11:6).

1) I've learned that in this life the righteous way is counter Kulture and that's ok because that just helps to separate real ones (living for Christ) from the fake and we establish who to listen to for Godly wisdom.

2) When the world doesn't see us and persecutes us God sees US and his favor will fall upon us in so many ways whether he gives more peace, more opportunities to spread the gospel and make disciples through a better job and bigger platform.

3) Keep living for Christ don't cave in to the Kulture just because you see those who aren't living for Christ being blessed. Remember blessings are not about obtaining stuff it's about blessing someone else with what God has provided us with!

4) You are not perfect or better than those who aren't living for Christ so don't become all self-righteous and began bragging to those who aren't living in the right way. Remember YOU ARE STILL A SINNER saved by Grace and Mercy and those family members and friends need you to be a light to them not condemn them!

5) When the world doesn't celebrate Righteousness you Celebrate it! No one else maybe coming to celebrate with you nor for you; but you are more than a conqueror, more than a victor than the opposition and the "real ones" will celebrate you and encourage you to keep going and also chasten you when necessary to hold you accountable!

We are all BECOMING something prayerfully greater than ourselves so keep on keeping on even when this Kulture say's otherwise don't give up, don't cave in because Jesus didn't submit to the Kulture he submitted to God's will for his life and sacrificed his life for all of us not for the Kulture!!

To gain the Kingdom you must be willing to lose the Kulture!!!

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